New Name, New Logo

Okay, it’s not really a name change… But we did drop the definite article ‘the’ in favor of ‘City.’ And we had renown artist Peter Voth design us a logo that intentional matches our value of honoring the richness of our ancient/historic faith. Here’s his explainer on the logo…

Introducing the new City Parish Church logo. It combines history, sense of location, timelessness and deep Christian symbolism. The main element is four interlocking rings that form a cross in negative space. The four rings signify the four gospels and thus point to the core of the Christian faith, the cross. They also symbolize the body of Christ and the local church and its members, which together form a unity. In addition, the four rings point to the four celestial directions and thus to the mission of the church.

From the four rings, grape bushels grow and thus testify to the local connection in Sonoma County, California which is characterized by winegrowing. In addition, the symbolism of viticulture and grapevines is deeply anchored in the Gospels. The growing out of the cross is another reference to the Great Commission and points to growth and sanctification in the faith.

The main font I used for the branding is Tiller by Brian Brubaker and Mattox Shuler(available from Fort Foundry). The opening logo reveal animation was done by the amazing Jake Cannon. Check out his work!


Four Years In…


Mike & Hanni